The International Music Competition is held as part of
„The VirtuClassic Festival”; in four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is open to contestants of all nationalities. Participants compete in different categories, based on their age.
Participants are required to submit video/audio recording materials for the audition. The final selections of winners are based solely on the same recordings submitted.
Multiple winners will be chosen in each age category.

Instruments: Violin, Piano, Viola, Cello, Guitar.

Our competition wants to encourage and motivate young musicians to perform and grow as well as simply help them derive more satisfaction from their work.

Participants must submit audio/video recordings (one or many in case). All files must be performed by the applicants and must not be edited in any way, nor should any effects be added. Submitted recordings cannot be older than 6 months.

The audition for the jury will be evaluated through video/audio materials presented by each participant. A panel of judges evaluates and punctuates the video material submitted, and the final selections of winners is based solely on the same recordings submitted. Judges are independent. The composition of the committee is restricted.


From 90 to 100: 1st Prize (100/100: 1st Absolute Prize)
From 80 to 89: 2nd Prize
From 70 to 79: 3rd Prize
From 69 and below- Participant

Special Mention Recognition and Distinctions may be given occasionally


Each participant will receive an e-certificate, available for download on the website.
All diplomas will be signed by the Artistic Director only.

A selection of winners will be invited to perform in one of the promotional concerts organised by the Virtuoso Music Foundation, as well as will receive an invitation to send their promotional recordings published on Facebook as a part of the VirtuClassic Festival.
The VirtuClassic Festival reserves the right to publish selected recordings and photos received from the chosen participants.
The Virtuoso Music Foundation reserves the right to publish selected recordings and photos from the promotional concerts.


1. Incomplete applications including failure to pay fees will result in disqualification.
2. The material provided will not be returned and the inscription fee is not refundable.
3. The judges’ decision is final and unappealable.
The comments and scores of the jury will not be provided.
4. Any attempts to break the rules contained in the competition regulations will result of disqualification or/and loss of reward.
5. „The VirtuClassic Festival” reserves the right to make any changes in the rules, schedule or other information related to the competition